There are no words for this one. He is crazy, silly and hilarious. Enjoy the plethora of photos.

very vintage- something new I have been playing with.

then, we gave him the aviators.

just us. doin' our thing.

later, on a date with his girlfriend, Max rode off into the sunset.

they really liked their capes. Max INSISTED on switching his manly, silver race car for HER PINK cruiser. Who knows why. Maybe he knew how well it went with his wild outfit.

It's pretty clear why he loves her. what a babe.
p.s. I would like to give a shout out to all the people who helped supply Max's rockin' outfit.
Babylegs: purchased from Laci and Chelsea's fabulous website
Daisies 'n Dots
Crazy tank onesie: purchased at the Abode outdoor market, but you can get some at the etsy shop:
Cowboy boots: VINTAGE. They used to be my husband's when he was tiny.
Sunglasses, a gift from my best friend Tracy. HE SERIOUSLY LOVES THEM EVEN MORE THAN I DO, if that's even possible.
Cape: made by yours truly out of a safety pin and a pillow case. Thank you to my brother for the pillow case. You're a rock star.