i died over these senior pictures we took in seattle a few weeks ago. the location and lighting worked so seamlessly with mackenzie's look- so stylish but effortless and relaxed. and if you're thinking she has a bit of a familiar look about her- she's my baby sister! i seriously can't believe she's already a senior and that she's so grown up and BEAUTIFUL. i mean really, the girl's a knockout. i guess one good thing about her being a senior is that we're just one step closer to being in the same state! if everything continues as planned, kenz will be diving for byu next year (fingers crossed!!).
we played a lot with lighting for this shoot, much more direct sun than usual and i'm LOVING it. thoughts?
ADDED NOTE: Thanks for the questions and comments! I love hearing your feedback. I did NOT use OCF for any of these shots. All natural light! It's my favorite. In fact, I almost NEVER use flash for portraits, unless it's a night shoot.
And yes. She DOES look like Scarlett Johansson! It's funny, we have both been told we look like her for years. Only Kenzie REALLY REALLY does! ;) we could actually tell you some pretty funny stories about our Scarlett look-alike moments.
is her hair killer or what?
the golden girl... love this one.
for some reason, i'm obsessed with the above right image. do you do that ever? fall in love with a seemingly random image like that? i do.
*a favorite. it seriously gave me chills.
wrapping up the session with the most insanely pretty light ever. L.O.V.E.
kenz, you are one amazing girl inside and out, i'm so proud of you and proud to be your sister!
hopefully we will have a few MORE photos in a month or so- kenzie forgot her 3rd outfit (this gorgeous black and yellow anthro dress) so we will be continuing this shoot around thanksgiving... =)