photo courtesy of blue lily photography
As many of you avid Nie Nie Dialogues readers know, Stephanie and Christian Nielson of Mesa were in a private plane crash on August 16th. They are currently stable, but still critical condition. Stephanie has the worst of it- with severe burns covering 80% of her body she will need to spend months in the hospital recovering while her children live with family in Utah.
Since today is the official NIE NIE DAY I decided to join in on the fund raising fun by auctioning off a family (or baby or engagement- whatever) mini session (that's a 30 minute shoot with the 5 best images on a cd), a $75 value.
The best part? I will schedule the winner whenever they want! no waiting for availability in November like everyone else- Priceless. To bid, leave a comment with a bid amount RIGHT HERE on this post! The auction will end this SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT.
I will contact the winner, who can pay up at the Stephanie Nielson Recovery Fund and send me a reciept.
I'd bid $20.
It's so great that you are doing this Jess! It's amazing how many people are so touched by NieNie's story. NieNie is the sister-in-law to my boss so I too have been doing what I can to help. I just had to say Thank You!!!
oh my word. i would flip with excitement if you got to take our family photos. i bid $75.00
Wow, this is the 2nd silent auction for this family I've seen in 2 days! We bid $80:)
We will Bid again at $85.00. Your pictures are amazing!
What a generous offer! $90
I love your pictures!
Great cause. $110.00
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