so here's the story. these shots should have been my max. yup. his birthday was at the beginning of february and these were supposed to be his party invites for his circus party. yea, it didn't happen. so sad! i had all the stuff and and everything. oh well, next year. the good news is that my friend
caroline used the idea for her son's party last week. so at least some of my plans were put to use!
here's where it all originally got started. so yes, this shoot is from the middle of january! brave girl. anyway, i though it would be fool proof- what makes a kid happier than 25 balloons? nope. he lost it. there is maybe one good picture of the kid! thankfully i got to borrow navi for the afternoon. i mean come on, i already HAD the balloons! I had so much fun doing her hair and using the dress i bought at down east from the big j.crew/crew cuts sale they had (yes, i buy girl's clothes sometimes, just in case. don't judge.). i love styling the shoot and calling the shots from start to finish! SO fun.
Thanks Navi for being my model..... again!

love that little mischievous smile. don't you?
p.s. the watermark. silhouette or no silhouette? let's hear it.

oh. and let's just throw max's pic in there for the effect. get the idea? =)