nate and ashley had a beeeautiful wedding at the salt lake temple/red butte gardens last month. nate and ashley are such a striking couple! her, blonde and beautiful (not to mention so stylish), him, heloooo tall dark and handsome! i mean really, look at them! the details that went into the reception were killer. enjoy! also, special thanks to my talented friend kelli
a touch of grey photography who was the second shooter. she got some amazing shots! all images with a
* underneath were taken by her!
ashley's adorable grandfather who was very sick right before the wedding and almost had to miss it. he was so sweet and such a trooper.
fun friend shot

what did i say? blonde and beautiful. tall dark and handsome. yup.
.. getting re-ready at the reception ..
.. heading out into red butte gardens for some formal shots ..
.. hurrying back to the reception, which was about to start! ..
(this is one of my favorites!)
.. a few group shots ..
.. reception details. come ON!! it was gorgeous! ..
* love this shot kelli!
cutting the cake:
heads up, you can expect to see a little series like this at all of my future weddings! it is my new FAVORITE way to photograph the food.
* hillarious shot by kelli
what you don't see here is what happens when the ice cream is taken away! let's just say she was NOT a happy camper!
.. sunset shots ..
* amazing shot by kelli!
k, favorite part. the PHOTOBOOTH!

congratulations nate and ashley!
check out their wedding video!