This is my friend Whitney and her adorable little family! They wanted to do a mini session for some Christmas cards before the weather got too yucky in Seattle. Not a bad idea for the rest of you! Christmas is going to hit us pretty fast, and I am already booking for November! I also will not be taking any sessions during the month of December. I may set aside one day in October or November just for mini sessions (intended for Christmas cards). Maybe the morning in a downtown/ funky/ urban location, and the evening someplace pretty and outdoorsy- similar to this session. Leave me a comment if you would like to see this happen!
A mini session for Christmas cards is a great idea. Everyone wants them but it is hard to set aside the time and all the photographers book up. I know at least 3 people that would be dying to book this :)
30 min session - ya, more than not bad - amazing!
All of these posts look awesome, Jess! LOVE the Seattle wedding couple. SO cute.
We'd love to be in on a mini session and have a great pic from you for our Christmas cards!!
Hey, if we didn't completely make you hate us during last year's picture session, will you schedule us for a Christmas mini session? thx, as always.
A mini session for Christmas cards is a great idea. Everyone wants them but it is hard to set aside the time and all the photographers book up. I know at least 3 people that would be dying to book this :)
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