megan and issac's formal session tonight was amazing! i had so much fun exploring some new locations with this stunning couple. these shots are seriously just the tip of the iceberg! there are so many shots i love it's ridiculous.
Geesh! You are awesome! Love the new blog header. Love all the new pics and Love that you were highlighted again! Much deserved!!!
p.s. I was in SLC this past weekend and I thought about calling and taking up your offer to go to lunch. Then i figured you were probably too busy and now that I see what you've been up too I am glad I didn't interrupt your creative flow. :) Don't know how you do it; you are super woman!
Geesh! You are awesome! Love the new blog header. Love all the new pics and Love that you were highlighted again! Much deserved!!!
p.s. I was in SLC this past weekend and I thought about calling and taking up your offer to go to lunch. Then i figured you were probably too busy and now that I see what you've been up too I am glad I didn't interrupt your creative flow. :) Don't know how you do it; you are super woman!
Megan looks AMAZING. These shots are gorgeous. GORGEOUS.
Love the new header!! I've been meaning to change mine for a while now. I love this blog... can I just tell you that? You amaze me with every post.
Oh, and thanks for the advice the other day. Such a big help!
holy. shoot. amazing.
ack! can't wait to see the rest! :)
your blog rocks! love the look!
Ok, so of course these pics are beautiful! But, I must say the new pic of YOU is simply....
Grrrrr, smokin' hott!! :)
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