now, most of you that read my blog regularly know that i have a leeeeetle problem. i am have a hard time with a normal sized post. it's eather one, or twenty- no inbetween. i guess i'm just an all or nothin' type of gal. this would probably have been an average sized post, but as you also probably know, I am mildly infatuated with an almost three year old named Jonas. he happens to be the most photogenic kid on the planet, and so is the rest of his family for that matter! so enjoy just SOME (some!?) of my favorites!
favorite family picutre
i think this is the one and only shot where they decided to sit together, and how
precious are they?? it only takes one!
the girls
the boys
miss mia
look at that FACE! she's so expressive.
and aww. cutest little undies ever. hehe! don't ask why i love this one. just do! it's so BOY.